10,328 research outputs found

    Congressional Vote Options

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    Among political practitioners, there is conventional wisdom about the outcomes of critical and salient legislative votes. 'This vote,' we hear, ' will either win by a little or lose by a lot.' Real-world examples suggest coalition leaders purchase 'hip-pocket' votes and "if you need me" pledges, which are converted to favorable votes when they will yield a victory. When the outcome is uncertain, such a process -- securing commitments in advance and calling them in if necessary -- is advantageous relative to traditional vote buying. Excess votes are not bought, nor are votes purchased for a losing effort. In effect, the leader secures options on votes. Given uncertainty, buying vote options yields two outcomes in conceivably winnable situations, one a narrow victory, the other a substantial loss. Such a distribution of outcomes is not explicable in a traditional vote-buying framework. We look for evidence of this pattern -- the tracings of 'if you need me pledges' -- by examining all Congressional Quarterly key votes from 1975 through 1998. On these critical and salient votes, narrow victories are much more frequent than narrow losses. Furthermore, when leaders lose key votes, as predicted, they lose by bigger margins than when they win. Finally, we discuss leadership strategies for keeping 'narrow wins' from unraveling into 'big losses.'

    The NASA Electric Propulsion Program

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    The NASA OAST Propulsion, Power, and Energy Division supports an electric propulsion program aimed at providing benefits to a broad class of missions. Concepts which have the potential to enable or significantly benefit space exploration and exploitation are identified and advanced toward application in the near and far term. This paper summarizes recent program progress in mission/system analysis; in electrothermal, electrostatic, and electromagnetic propulsion technologies; and in propulsion/spacecraft integration

    An Alternative Proposal to the FCC\u27s Proposed Amendment: Broadcast Media Concentration Rules

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    In September, 1983, the FCC issued for administrative comment a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (hereafter Notice) aimed at amending the Seven Station Rule. The three major reasons cited by the Commission for proposing the amendment were the arbitrariness of the Seven Station Rule, the changed circumstances in the broadcasting industry since 1953, and the harm to diversity caused by the Rule despite its intended purpose. The Notice did not cite a specific alternative to the Rule, but indicated a possible interim amendment in the numerical ceiling to fourteen on-air television stations and thirty-six radio stations (FM and AM combined). The Notice also indicated that the ultimate goal was the complete elimination of all numerical limitations on station ownership. According to the Notice, if the Seven Station Rule is eliminated, media concentration would be monitored by both the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). These agencies would use traditional antitrust law in monitoring undue concentration in the industry. This Comment will review the reasoning behind the Notice, and criticize its potential impact if adopted. The Comment will then consider other factors that should be considered if the Seven Station Rule is to be amended and suggest alternative proposals to those indicated in the Notice

    An Alternative Proposal to the FCC\u27s Proposed Amendment: Broadcast Media Concentration Rules

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    In September, 1983, the FCC issued for administrative comment a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (hereafter Notice) aimed at amending the Seven Station Rule. The three major reasons cited by the Commission for proposing the amendment were the arbitrariness of the Seven Station Rule, the changed circumstances in the broadcasting industry since 1953, and the harm to diversity caused by the Rule despite its intended purpose. The Notice did not cite a specific alternative to the Rule, but indicated a possible interim amendment in the numerical ceiling to fourteen on-air television stations and thirty-six radio stations (FM and AM combined). The Notice also indicated that the ultimate goal was the complete elimination of all numerical limitations on station ownership. According to the Notice, if the Seven Station Rule is eliminated, media concentration would be monitored by both the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). These agencies would use traditional antitrust law in monitoring undue concentration in the industry. This Comment will review the reasoning behind the Notice, and criticize its potential impact if adopted. The Comment will then consider other factors that should be considered if the Seven Station Rule is to be amended and suggest alternative proposals to those indicated in the Notice

    Electricity load profile classification using Fuzzy C-Means method

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    This paper presents the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering method. The FCM technique assigns a degree of membership for each data set to several clusters, thus offering the opportunity to deal with load profiles that could belong to more than one group at the same time. The FCM algorithm is based on minimising a c-means objective function to determine an optimal classification. The simulation of FCM was carried out using actual sample data from Indonesia and the results are presented. Some validity index measurements was carried out to estimate the compactness of the resulting clusters or to find the optimal number of clusters for a data set

    Flow-cytometric quantification of microbial cells on sand from water biofilters

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    Rapid quantification of absolute microbial cell abundances is important for a comprehensive interpretation of microbiome surveys and crucial to support theoretical modelling and the design of engineered systems. In this paper, we propose a protocol specifically optimised for the quantification of microbial abundances in water biofilters using flow cytometry (FCM). We optimised cell detachment from sand biofilter particles for FCM quantification through the evaluation of five chemical dispersants (NaCl, Triton-X100, CaCl2, sodium pyrophosphate (PP), Tween 80 combined with PP), different mechanical pre-treatments (low and high energy sonication and shaking) and two fixation methods (glutaraldehyde and ethanol). The developed protocol was cross-compared using other established and commonly employed methods for biomass quantification in water filter samples (adenosine triphosphate (ATP) quantification, real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) and volatile solids (VS)). The highest microbial count was obtained by detaching the biofilm from biofilter grains and dispersing clusters into singles cells using Tween 80 and sodium pyrophosphate combined with four steps of high energy sonication (27W, for 80 s each step); glutaraldehyde was shown to be the best fixative solution. The developed protocol was reliable and highly reproducible and produced results that are comparable to data from alternative quantification methods. Indeed, high correlations were found with trends obtained through ATP and qPCR (ρ = 0.98 and ρ = 0.91) measurements. The VS content was confirmed as an inaccurate method to express biomass in sand samples since it correlated poorly with all the other three methods (ρ = 0.005 with FCM, 0.002 with ATP and 0.177 with qPCR). FCM and ATP showed the strongest agreement between absolute counts with a slope of the correlation equal to 0.7, while qPCR seemed to overestimate cell counts by a factor of ten. The rapidity and reproducibility of the method developed make its application ideal for routine quantification of microbial cell abundances on sand from water biofilters and thus useful in revealing the ecological patterns and quantifying the metabolic kinetics involved in such systems

    Using a fuzzy inference system to control a pumped storage hydro plant

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    The paper discusses the development of a fuzzy inference system (FIS) based governor control for a pumped storage hydroelectric plant. The First Hydro Company's plant at Dinorwig in North Wales is the largest of its kind in Europe and is mainly used for frequency control of the UK electrical grid. In previous investigations, a detailed model of the plant was developed using MATLAB(R)/SIMULINK(R) and this is now being used to compare FIS governor operation with the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller currently used. The paper describes the development of an FIS governor, and shows that its response to a step increase in load is superior to the PID under certain conditions of load. The paper proceeds to discuss the implications of these results in view of the possible practical application of an FIS governor at the Dinorwig plant

    High performance, accelerometer-based control of the Mini-MAST structure at Langley Research Center

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    Many large space system concepts will require active vibration control to satisfy critical performance requirements such as line of sight pointing accuracy and constraints on rms surface roughness. In order for these concepts to become operational, it is imperative that the benefits of active vibration control be shown to be practical in ground based experiments. The results of an experiment shows the successful application of the Maximum Entropy/Optimal Projection control design methodology to active vibration control for a flexible structure. The testbed is the Mini-Mast structure at NASA-Langley and has features dynamically traceable to future space systems. To maximize traceability to real flight systems, the controllers were designed and implemented using sensors (four accelerometers and one rate gyro) that are actually mounted to the structure. Ground mounted displacement sensors that could greatly ease the control design task were available but were used only for performance evaluation. The use of the accelerometers increased the potential of destabilizing the system due to spillover effects and motivated the use of precompensation strategy to achieve sufficient compensator roll-off

    Detection and isolation of exotic Newcastle disease virus from field-collected flies.

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    Flies were collected by sweep net from the vicinity of two small groups of "backyard" poultry (10-20 chickens per group) that had been identified as infected with exotic Newcastle disease virus (family Paramyxoviridae, genus avulavirus, ENDV) in Los Angeles County, CA, during the 2002-2003 END outbreak. Collected flies were subdivided into pools and homogenized in brain-heart infusion broth with antibiotics. The separated supernatant was tested for the presence of ENDV by inoculation into embryonated chicken eggs. Exotic Newcastle disease virus was isolated from pools of Phaenicia cuprina (Wiedemann), Fannia canicularis (L.), and Musca domestica L., and it was identified by hemagglutination inhibition with Newcastle disease virus antiserum. Viral concentration in positive pools was low (<1 egg infectious dose50 per fly). Isolated virus demonstrated identical monoclonal antibody binding profiles as well as 99% sequence homology in the 635-bp fusion gene sequence compared with ENDV recovered from infected commercial egg layer poultry during the 2002 outbreak